Coal stockpiles at coal-fired power plants smaller than in recent years

graph of monthly coal stockpiles at electric power plants, as explained in the article text
graph of days of burn at coal-fired power plants, as explained in the article text
graph of days of burn at coal-fired power plants, as explained in the article text
November 6, 2014 Coal stocks at electric power plants, which totaled 121 million tons at the end of August, are relatively low in both absolute and days of burn terms relative to recent historical norms. This is true both nationally and in the Upper Midwest. About two-thirds of coal used to generate electric power moves from coal mine to power plant either fully or partially by rail. Power plants in the Upper Midwest operated at very high rates during last winter's extreme cold weather, burning lots of coal. As these plants rebuild their stockpiles, many operators want shipments of coal well above the levels they received in 2013. Issues with delivery by rail are making it more difficult to ship larger volumes of coal and rebuild stockpiles at coal-fired power plants. Although the rail problems are real, their role should not be overstated. Despite the problems on the rail system, particularly...
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  4048 Hits



4048 Hits

Texas leads nation in growth in oil and natural gas production jobs during 2013

graph of oil and natural gas production jobs, as explained in the article text
graph of counties tracked in EIA's drilling productivity report, as explained in the article text
November 5, 2014 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, based on U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Note: Oil and natural gas production jobs comprise the North American Industry Classifications System (NAICS) categories for oil and gas extraction, support activities for oil and gas operations, and drilling oil and gas wells. Texas added more than 19,000 new private sector jobs in oil and natural gas production in 2013, almost six times the number added in New Mexico, the next highest state for oil and natural gas production jobs added last year. The extraction, drilling, and support jobs categories are a measure of on-the-ground production jobs, and do not reflect the many jobs at oil and natural gas corporate headquarters based in Texas. In the past decade, growth of jobs in oil and natural gas extraction, drilling, and support activities has outpaced the national average...
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  4061 Hits



4061 Hits

LED light bulbs keep improving in efficiency and quality

graph of lighting efficiency (efficacy) of newly marketed light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs, as explained in the article text
graph of lighting attributes for selected LED lamps, as explained in the article text
November 4, 2014 Source: EIA, based on Department of Energy's Lighting Facts Database Note: Reflects Lighting Facts database through November 3, 2014. Improvements in lighting technology for light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs have increased lighting efficiency, or efficacy, as well as color quality. In September of this year, several manufacturers released ENERGY STARĀ®-qualified bulbs surpassing 100 lumens per watt. For comparison, traditional incandescent bulbs, which do not meet current light bulb efficiency standards and are no longer sold, provide 13 to 18 lumens per watt. When first introduced, LED bulbs were far more expensive than other bulbs, but their costs have since come down dramatically. Even now, however, they are often the most expensive bulbs on the shelf, but their much longer lifetimes and lower power draw can economically justify the higher initial cost Costs to consumers have also been reduced by dozens of energy-efficiency programs that offer in-store or mail-in rebates,...
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  4216 Hits



4216 Hits

U.S. gasoline prices move with Brent rather than WTI crude oil

graph of U.S. weekly retail gasoline price and spot prices of benchmark crude oils, as explained in the article text
graph of weekly spot gasoline prices at selected market hubs, as explained in the article text
November 3, 2014 Recent increases in U.S. crude oil production have sparked discussion on how this increase in supply will be used by U.S. refiners given current limitations on exporting domestic crude . On October 30, EIA released a study that explored the relationships between crude oil and gasoline prices. Key findings from the analysis include: Prices of Brent crude oil, an international benchmark, are more important than the price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI), a domestic benchmark, for determining gasoline prices in all four U.S. regions studied, including the Midwest. The effect that a relaxation of current limitations on U.S. crude oil exports would have on U.S. gasoline prices depends on its effect on international crude prices, such as Brent, rather than its effect on domestic crude prices. Gasoline is a globally traded commodity, and prices are highly correlated across global spot markets. Gasoline supply, demand, and trade in various...
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  3890 Hits



3890 Hits

Crude exports and re-exports continue to rise; some volumes sent to Europe and Asia

graph of U.S. crude exports, as explained in the article text
graph of 2014 U.S. crude exports and re-exports by destination, as explained in the article text
October 31, 2014 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Petroleum Supply Monthly The United States exported 401,000 barrels per day (bbl/d) of crude oil in July 2014, the highest level of exports in 57 years and the second highest monthly export volume since 1920, when EIA's published data starts. Recent crude oil exports are also noteworthy for both their origins and destinations. As a result of existing U.S. crude oil export restrictions, most U.S. crude exports are sourced domestically and are sent only to Canada. However, since April, crude exports have included modest amounts of Canadian-produced barrels that were moved through the United States and then re-exported to Switzerland, Spain, Italy, and Singapore. Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Petroleum Supply Monthly To export crude oil from the United States, a company must obtain a license from the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the U.S. Department of...
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  3544 Hits



3544 Hits

Colder weather drives forecast of 2014 energy-related CO2 emissions 1.1% above 2013 level

graph of change in heating demand and energy-related carbon dioxide emissions, as explained in the article text
graph of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions and U.S. heating degree days, as explained in the article text
October 30, 2014 In the long term, energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are driven by economic and efficiency trends and changes in the fuel mix. But weather fluctuations, which drive the level of energy use for both heating and cooling, are a very significant factor affecting year-to-year variation in fossil fuel consumption and their resulting emissions. EIA's most recent monthly Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), issued on October 10, forecasts U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions for 2014 and 2015 at 5,457 million metric tons (MMmt) and 5,436 MMmt, respectively, both higher than the 2013 emissions level of 5,396 MMmt. The forecasted 1.1% rise in CO2 emissions for 2014 relative to their 2013 level reflects a combination of historical energy use data already in hand for more than half of the year and forecasted energy use for the remaining months. Very cold weather early this year contributed to an increase in total energy use...
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3451 Hits

Nuclear Regulatory Commission resumes license renewals for nuclear power plants

graph of license expiration dates for operating U.S. nuclear reactors, as explained in the article text
map of licensed renewal status of operating U.S. nuclear reactors, as explained in the article text
October 29, 2014 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, based on U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Following a two-year hiatus, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has resumed issuing license renewals for nuclear power plants. On October 20, the NRC renewed the operating licenses for Limerick Generating Station Units 1 and 2, located northwest of Philadelphia, extending their license expiration dates by 20 years, to 2044 and 2049, respectively. With this action, the NRC has granted license renewals providing a 20-year extension to a total of 74 of the 100 operating reactors in the United States. Nuclear power accounted for 20% of total power sector electricity generation in 2013. NRC has the authority to issue initial operating licenses for commercial nuclear power plants for a period of 40 years. The decision to apply for an operating license renewal is made by nuclear power plant owners, and it is typically based on...
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  4235 Hits



4235 Hits

Benchmarks play an important role in pricing crude oil

When energy analysts and the media discuss the price of crude oil, they are typically referring to one of a small group of specific types of crude oil that are widely and actively bought and sold. The use of such benchmark crudes makes it easier for buyers and sellers to price the variety of crudes that are produced around the world.
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  3461 Hits
3461 Hits

Benchmarks play an important role in pricing crude oil

graph of oxygenate content of gasoline and energy content of gasoline, as explained in the article text
graph of density and sulfur content of selected crude oils, as explained in the article text
October 28, 2014 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, from Bloomberg Note: Dubai/Oman price calculated by taking the average of Dubai and Oman spot prices. When energy analysts and the media discuss the price of crude oil, they are typically referring to one of a small group of specific types of crude oil that are widely and actively bought and sold. The use of such benchmark crudes makes it easier for buyers and sellers to price the variety of crudes that are produced around the world. The most widely used benchmarks are associated with crude oil that has four common qualities: stable and ample production; a transparent, free-flowing market located in a geopolitically and financially stable region to encourage market interactions; adequate storage to encourage market development; and/or delivery points at locations suitable for trade with other market hubs, enabling arbitrage (profit opportunities) so that prices reflect global supply and...
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3967 Hits

Increasing ethanol use has reduced the average energy content of retail motor gasoline

EIA has adjusted its estimates of the energy content of retail motor gasoline in the Monthly Energy Review (MER) to reflect its changing composition. Ethanol and other oxygenates, which have lower energy content than petroleum-based gasoline components, have seen their share of total gasoline volumes increase from 2% in 1993 to nearly 10% in 2013. As a result, EIA's estimate of motor gasoline's average energy content per gallon has declined by about 3% over this 20-year period.
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  3260 Hits
3260 Hits

Proven Horsepower at ZeroRPM